Once upon a time

Once upon a time

the ancient Chinese

observed nature

with much patience



a line was born

to denote one aspect of nature


such as a simple horizontal 


to represent the steady earth where he stood


then when he raised his head

the enormous sense of space overwhelmed him



he , therefore, put a line above the steady horizontal beneath him


smaller in scale

perhaps right in the middle portion

on top, paralleling the steady line under his feet


to describe the vastnessness

of the sky


he stretched his arms from left to right


then with a  kind of vertical which denotes his vetebrae,

and two diagonals which denote his open legs


he says


what is on top of my head


what is below


on top is the amazing kind of space

right above my head

hidden yet made known through a small horizontal line

below is the amazing kind of space

underneath my wide opened feet



how incredible is the sky above me

how incredible is the earth on which I stand

I could not tell you

how much I understand

the vastnessness

between the sky and the earth


but I am showing you with my full strength

with all the possible means

using the gesture of my body


Such was the story behind the first person

who used visual codes , together with his understanding 

to tell a story

of his limited self

in an unlimted kind of space


A limit

without limit


expressed with limited self


Such was a straight forward story

of the earliest concept

of the ideogram


in Chinese


every single Chinese has learned how to

write it

but most are taught only the techniques of making the lines beautiful

visual codes became


even aesthetic wise



to unlearn that known standard

means to


a poetic dimension

the one that embraced

the exciting discovery

of the single character


the Sky


( a hypothesis notbook II is a work in progress which began in 2013, registering various known notions yet by unlearning their accepted states of definitions, a new vision is born, perhaps more from an inner necessity than from a scholarly point of view- after the journey I chose to begin in 1982-on Chinese calligraphy, color and poetry )