the initial idea of learning from Professor Manfredi the technique of linocut prints was due to: my interest in contributing image imaking as an oriental, which also means, the idea of using spontaneous brush works borrorwed from the tradition of Chinese calligraphy, something I began to develop during the first period in Italy, and the idea of using empty space ( simplification of forms, with only few lines to form the composition )- oriental subject matter was therefore chosen also to reappropriate that tradition with a western process yet eastern in its conception, which includes the significant factor that linocut print is the closest western printing process to woodblock printing, a process invented by Chinese

the initial idea of learning from Professor Manfredi the technique of linocut prints was due to: my interest in contributing image imaking as an oriental, which also means, the idea of using spontaneous brush works borrorwed from the tradition of Chinese calligraphy, something I began to develop during the first period in Italy, and the idea of using empty space ( simplification of forms, with only few lines to form the composition )- oriental subject matter was therefore chosen also to reappropriate that tradition with a western process yet eastern in its conception, which includes the significant factor that linocut print is the closest western printing process to woodblock printing, a process invented by Chinese

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