My Room and I  ( 1 st version)

an installation of an old but renewed chapter

of my life

it is the story of my diary

 Bernadette ( or 李錦芙)

 ( facebook page cancelled approximately in May of 2020, due to possible identity theft )

beaware of the account registered under Bernadette Kam-fu Lee ( Pisapia) on Facebook ( please see below ) since it has been hacked

rejoined in August/September of 2021 with my name registered as LeePisapiaKFB in order not to be confused with the previously hacked account 

other works can be viewed under:

Facebook: Bernadette Kam-fu Lee ( Pisapia)

(Other names used: Li Kam Fu Bernadette, Lee-Pisapia, Kam Fu Bernadette)

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