BERNADETTE , known as
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE
as well as Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA , A FINE ARTIST and a Self-published author
Art , not for sale except for prints and artist books solely handled by Laboratorio Fratelli Manfredi.( previously known as Mavida)
Bernadette does not sell her pieces since her retrospective in Florence ( 1983-1993, Grande Quadri. Quadri Invendibili)
whoever sells you works by Bernadette after that date could be of stolen pieces.
Kindly inform Bernadette via email:
Bernadette’s diary-
37th book on Apple Books for free reading:
The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of the whispering dreams)
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4
39th volume: Dongguan, my father's hometown, published 19/09/2024
My Guilin 2024 is a new form of autobiography: a summary of my artistic diary form the past, present and the future
5 August 2024 is a video I realised on ' My trip to Venice' which covers the Venice Biennale 2024 -" Foreigners everywhere'- and the exhibition on De Kooning L'talia ( Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia)
photos 40 years later:
with Padre Gianni in Dec 1983, Hong Kong
with Don Italo. Mazzano Romano, Oct 2023
on Apple Books
for free reading
under author:
Last name: LEE-PISAPIA
first name: Kam Fu Bernadette
LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette or LEE Kam Fu Bernadette
( order of name used in Hong Kong and Italy
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA ( alias Kam Fu Bernadette LEE PISAPIA)
(order of name used in Britain, Canada )
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE ( maiden name)(artist name)
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette
(order and form ( with a comma in between ) generally used in Hong Kong to distinguish
last name from first name)
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA
(order generally used in Britain and Canada )
penname: Bernadette K. Pisapia, Kam Fu Pisapia, Lee-Pisapia Kam Fu Bernadette
Bernadette is the writer as well as the publisher
the name chosen for the publisher ( not a registered company ) has two
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette ( Hong Kong format), or LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette ( Italian format) . Therefore, the comma in between does not mean two distinct individuals as it is used to distinguish the last name and the first name in the Hong Kong format. For the other format, capital letter has been used to indicate the LAST NAME from the first name.
( from 06/09/2023, the Italain format is officially transformed to LEE Kam Fu Bernadette coniugata PISAPIA . However, the fully extended writing of my hyphenated Last Name is still maintained as my Canadian and Hong Kong identity : Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA)
email : has previously been compromised and therefore please use the email: or to contact me.
Thank you.
Hong Kong
student name used in Italy:
LI (last name)
Kam Fu Bernadette ( first name)
videos Per Padre Gianni can be viewed on my other especially realised by Bernadette for the family of Padre Gianni in Mazzano Romano and Capranica, Italy, thanking them for their hospitality
Breathing the poetic quality of a Rainy Line of Hiroshige
by Bernadette Kam Fu Lee
Hiroshige ( 歌川廣重)
( 李錦芙觀Hiroshige 羅馬畫展後遀筆)
Unexpectedly it snowed in Rome
three weeks ago
unexpectedly it hailed
three days ago
unexpectedly someone missed an appointment
I went to see Hiroshige on a sunny day
in the show
I saw the four seasons as well as
the rain, the snow, the hailing scene of the Rome I lived just a few days or a few weeks ago
of the scenes set by
a master of an Eastern eye of more than 150 years ago
an Eastern insight with a modernised vision
almost turning occidental
but not quite
those western eyes after years ( I mean, the visitors of the Show )
became attentive to this mixture of a Vision: East and West live together
in harmony or in discord, in space that look three dimensional yet flattened
it gave inspiration to the superb eyes of the Impressionists and the expressionists years ago
in the intriguing patterns lived intimately in the diaries of a Master
so Van Gogh painted Hiroshige ‘s bridge in his own way
so Van Gogh wrote in a letter expressing his enthusiasm
of an expert of the Floating World
Was the world too materialistic in the richness of pattern or was the world worthy to be celebrated in each single moment of a transient life span by an Artist?
Hockney also once mentioned how delighted he was when he found the multiple perspectives depicted by the artists of the ancient Chinese scroll
where one could wander in and out in the mind’s space of an artist who drew with delight of what was happening in each corner of the street
or in each room where no blocking of views was revealed through the non perspectively correct window frame
as if in a film
we see frames after frames
but we determine the speed
the flow
and how we see: we could look up and see the hill first, then come down in the corner to appreciate the conversation taken in a street
or simply to admire the fashion of a style
of the attires worn by the ladies...
so what is in a vision
a fixed vision as discovered by the Renaissance or a forever changing vision
lived by the artists of the scroll paintings or the onlookers who view the works even years after
or like Hiroshige
who froze some memorable visions in woodcut prints
though frozen
a story in motion is still told
on a flat piece of rice paper
with perfect balance of form and void
I suspect
he wrote beautiful Calligraphy in order to achieve this high balance of space and form without error
Indeed, if you happen to go to the show
look at his original ink drawings which show no flaw and the rarely shown works where his calligrahy was incorporated
after The Show
the next day
it rained
At Home in my garden near Rome
I seemed to see Hiroshige ‘s poetic world
in his portrayal of rain the first time
-the continued lines he used to depict the falling rain
all of a sudden
became real
no longer abstract as a graphic line
but genuine in its feelings
so I breathed
after the show
the poetic quality
of a Rainy Line
Bernadette Kam Fu Lee
9/04/2018 after the show of Hiroshige in Rome
37th book: The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of whispering dreams )
on Apple Books 10/06/2024
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4