BERNADETTE , known as
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE
as well as Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA , A FINE ARTIST and a Self-published author
Art , not for sale except for prints and artist books solely handled by Laboratorio Fratelli Manfredi.( previously known as Mavida)
Bernadette does not sell her pieces since her retrospective in Florence ( 1983-1993, Grande Quadri. Quadri Invendibili)
whoever sells you works by Bernadette after that date could be of stolen pieces.
Kindly inform Bernadette via email:
Bernadette’s diary-
37th book on Apple Books for free reading:
The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of the whispering dreams)
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4
39th volume: Dongguan, my father's hometown, published 19/09/2024
My Guilin 2024 is a new form of autobiography: a summary of my artistic diary form the past, present and the future
5 August 2024 is a video I realised on ' My trip to Venice' which covers the Venice Biennale 2024 -" Foreigners everywhere'- and the exhibition on De Kooning L'talia ( Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia)
photos 40 years later:
with Padre Gianni in Dec 1983, Hong Kong
with Don Italo. Mazzano Romano, Oct 2023
on Apple Books
for free reading
under author:
Last name: LEE-PISAPIA
first name: Kam Fu Bernadette
LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette or LEE Kam Fu Bernadette
( order of name used in Hong Kong and Italy
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA ( alias Kam Fu Bernadette LEE PISAPIA)
(order of name used in Britain, Canada )
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE ( maiden name)(artist name)
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette
(order and form ( with a comma in between ) generally used in Hong Kong to distinguish
last name from first name)
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA
(order generally used in Britain and Canada )
penname: Bernadette K. Pisapia, Kam Fu Pisapia, Lee-Pisapia Kam Fu Bernadette
Bernadette is the writer as well as the publisher
the name chosen for the publisher ( not a registered company ) has two
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette ( Hong Kong format), or LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette ( Italian format) . Therefore, the comma in between does not mean two distinct individuals as it is used to distinguish the last name and the first name in the Hong Kong format. For the other format, capital letter has been used to indicate the LAST NAME from the first name.
( from 06/09/2023, the Italain format is officially transformed to LEE Kam Fu Bernadette coniugata PISAPIA . However, the fully extended writing of my hyphenated Last Name is still maintained as my Canadian and Hong Kong identity : Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA)
email : has previously been compromised and therefore please use the email: or to contact me.
Thank you.
Hong Kong
student name used in Italy:
LI (last name)
Kam Fu Bernadette ( first name)
videos Per Padre Gianni can be viewed on my other especially realised by Bernadette for the family of Padre Gianni in Mazzano Romano and Capranica, Italy, thanking them for their hospitality
I was at the class of linocut printmaking.
My professor suggested me to do a print of my wedding invitation, proofed during class session.
( note. By that time, I was no longer a student of that class, in a strict sense since I graduated in June of 1989. I must have gone back for advice during Manfredi's lessons which took place every Monday and Tuesday, in 1990 before I got married in May of that year. I never missed a class except when I was out of the country. Even after I finished that course which lasted two years, I went back there as a visiting student ( not officially registered for a period of time)
For the text, I went to a nearby typographer, to get it hand printed, in the old way.
The text I provided was my name: Bernadette Kam Fu Lee, written in English understanding ( that Lee would be read as my last name)
The first proof came back to me, with the following :
Bernadette Kam
My professor then explained, the Italian word Fu, when placed within a name, could have been read : once, the descendent of
so most people, after they passed away, are indicated in this way: So and so was once the descendent of so and so
To avoid possible confusion,
my invitation to our wedding then, was changed to:
Antonio Pisapia and Bernadette Lee Kam Fu
many years later, perhaps due to a joke people might like to play upon:
someone might have used my name Bernadette Lee Kam Fu to act on my behalf, ( this is just my guess) without my knowledge, to go around Italy, pretending to be me ( not to mention that the booklet where my attendence at the Accademy of Florence together with exam grades was stolen)
If it is in the context of Art, with public declaration like Rrose Selavy of Duchamp, it would still be acceptable.
If in case, there is other motivation, kindly make yourself known, as this could at least help me clarify many unnecessary problems related to this faked identity, without my knowing about it.
Thank you.
There were a number of invitations , hand proofed by me, though not all were sent or not all people whom I would have liked to invite, got a copy. My apologies.
It was due to the understanding that many relatives and friends were abroad ( meaning: not in Italy) , thus it was not my intention to send them an invitation when knowing that they might not be able to make it.
Not to mention that due to our limited financial situation ( we decided to pay for those who came afar for their hotel accomodation, if necessary ), it was not at all possible to imagine a proper gathering, either in the sense of Hong Kong culture or in the sense of Italian cultural standard.
Our wedding, then, was only a small gathering of local friends in Florence, together with the most important relatives, parents and some family members who were able to make to our wedding.
Somehow, perhaps due to this strange way of putting my name on the invitation, most people who came to our wedding do not seem to be around our circle anymore, in the sense that they shy away from the bride who was named Bernadette Lee Kam Fu.
What is in a name?
Bernadette Kam Fu Lee
or Bernadette Lee Kam Fu
Moral lesson: beware of possible identity theft
Bernadette Kam Fu Lee alias Bernadette Lee Kam Fu, written after 26 years from the date of marriage: 7 May 1990, when I was married at the Chapel of the Painters ( with frescoes of Pontormo), at SS.Annunziata ( work of Brunelleschi) , Florence, Italy
Note: please note that even though the address in Florence is still a valid address. The phone number printed on this card is no longer used as our phone number. It was disconnected in 2003 after we came back from Canada. We are no longer related to this phone number, and cannot be reached if you attempt to reach us at this number.
37th book: The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of whispering dreams )
on Apple Books 10/06/2024
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4