BERNADETTE , known as
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE
as well as Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA , A FINE ARTIST and a Self-published author
Art , not for sale except for prints and artist books solely handled by Laboratorio Fratelli Manfredi.( previously known as Mavida)
Bernadette does not sell her pieces since her retrospective in Florence ( 1983-1993, Grande Quadri. Quadri Invendibili)
whoever sells you works by Bernadette after that date could be of stolen pieces.
Kindly inform Bernadette via email:
Bernadette’s diary-
37th book on Apple Books for free reading:
The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of the whispering dreams)
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4
39th volume: Dongguan, my father's hometown, published 19/09/2024
My Guilin 2024 is a new form of autobiography: a summary of my artistic diary form the past, present and the future
5 August 2024 is a video I realised on ' My trip to Venice' which covers the Venice Biennale 2024 -" Foreigners everywhere'- and the exhibition on De Kooning L'talia ( Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia)
photos 40 years later:
with Padre Gianni in Dec 1983, Hong Kong
with Don Italo. Mazzano Romano, Oct 2023
on Apple Books
for free reading
under author:
Last name: LEE-PISAPIA
first name: Kam Fu Bernadette
LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette or LEE Kam Fu Bernadette
( order of name used in Hong Kong and Italy
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA ( alias Kam Fu Bernadette LEE PISAPIA)
(order of name used in Britain, Canada )
Bernadette Kam Fu LEE ( maiden name)(artist name)
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette
(order and form ( with a comma in between ) generally used in Hong Kong to distinguish
last name from first name)
Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA
(order generally used in Britain and Canada )
penname: Bernadette K. Pisapia, Kam Fu Pisapia, Lee-Pisapia Kam Fu Bernadette
Bernadette is the writer as well as the publisher
the name chosen for the publisher ( not a registered company ) has two
LEE-PISAPIA, Kam Fu Bernadette ( Hong Kong format), or LEE-PISAPIA Kam Fu Bernadette ( Italian format) . Therefore, the comma in between does not mean two distinct individuals as it is used to distinguish the last name and the first name in the Hong Kong format. For the other format, capital letter has been used to indicate the LAST NAME from the first name.
( from 06/09/2023, the Italain format is officially transformed to LEE Kam Fu Bernadette coniugata PISAPIA . However, the fully extended writing of my hyphenated Last Name is still maintained as my Canadian and Hong Kong identity : Kam Fu Bernadette LEE-PISAPIA)
email : has previously been compromised and therefore please use the email: or to contact me.
Thank you.
Hong Kong
student name used in Italy:
LI (last name)
Kam Fu Bernadette ( first name)
videos Per Padre Gianni can be viewed on my other especially realised by Bernadette for the family of Padre Gianni in Mazzano Romano and Capranica, Italy, thanking them for their hospitality
I used to write
when I was a teenager 飛非飛 鳥不倦 不知還 鳥飛 蟬鳴 空上有天 天上有你 鳥飛 蟬鳴 只因有你
in Chinese
in English
I loved to write
because I thought I could
say something
in a moving kind of way
Then I became a painter
I tried to paint
with words
even in Chinese
or Chinese calligpahic lines
but somehow
that kind of moving type of content
does not show
at least like
the kind of writing I used to formulate
as something that
moves you
from the inside
it took me years to realise why and why
how and how
Cezanne came to do the kind of markmaking that is Cezanne-like
Why and how
I never realised?
Only and only
because I never
really looked at the kind of tree that Cezanne drew
and why such particular kind of pines
needed such particular kind of marks
It was not about a style
but about the heart
that synthesizes the quality
that makes a pine a pine
有時候 心裏很是震驚 有時候 就是那言談中 一個字 一個話題 一個奇想中 我震驚了 震驚的時候 無從可説 不敢説 很像是說 原來是如此 啊原來是如此
震驚了以後 一㸃點慌 一點點涼 抹過了那想不到 還能流出的淚 又再望着天際 聽著蟬叫
好像是 好好的告訴自己
2013 年 八月十日 寫於羅馬
like a bird that does not fly
the tune is sung
the sky with stars
Long and lengthly
yet so softly
bit by bit
little by little
inside the bamboo
within the spirit
in and out
the cloudy bamboo
layers upon layers
A lady is seen
A woman is found
Impeccable Combination
wearing the white overall outfit
only to recall
the days when I used to wear my favourite outfit
when I was a teenager
on the light yellow T shirts
were printed patterns of high heeled shoes
not at all aware of their possible connotations
I was like a little girl
with the heart of snow white:
unable to distinguish
the difference between high heeled shoes
and snow white quality kind of shoes
So a dream is realised
every time when I wore this impeccable combination:
light green outfit with the pale yellow T shirt
on which printed patterns
of high heeled shoes yet purified by a snow white kind of mind
Today though no longer find in my wardrobe that light green and unidentified yellow combination, remains still the hope of retaining
a heart of a young teenager, carefree but without blemish
換上一身白色的工人衭 只為記起那一身綠色潔白的 另外 小時 少時 的那穿起來 更稱心的工人䃿 那淺淡黃的長䄂丅恤 印着許多 根本不為意的高跟鞋 那不為意 等於童子的心 因為童子看不出 高跟鞋與白雪鞋的分別 就是那般的 穿上淡黃高跟鞋丅恤 套上淺綠的工人衭 一個夢想 就如此再生 今天沒有了那套久違夢中的白與綠、黃 與不知名的顏色 但是像是 還有那數不出的不為意。 八月十日 寫於羅馬
37th book: The dream of the whispering breeze ( The breeze of whispering dreams )
on Apple Books 10/06/2024
ISBN 978-988-70365-2-4